
MemDis predicts disordered regions in transmembrane proteins.

Jobs can be submitted at

Sequences can be submitted with one letter amino acid format in FASTA format (1). Currently two options are available: sensitive/specific, providing a permissive and a more stringent prediction (2). Optionally, users can select a job name so they can access their earlier predictions more easily (3). E-mail notification is also available (4).

When the submitted job is finished, the MemDis server displays the plot generated from prediction result (1). The x-axis represents the protein sequence, and scores above 0.5 predicted to be disordered – green bars below the plot highlight these segments (2). Topology prediction is also displayed (red – cytosolic, yellow – transmembrane regions, blue – extracytosolic regions) (3). The result can also be downloaded is serveral formats (4).

All: #jobs: 2152 (21161 seqs) .:|:. Last week: #jobs: 1 (1 seqs) .:|:. Current load: #jobs 0 (0 seqs)